
Earthly Bed_NEW


Earthly Bed

with Francesco Apostoli and Manfredi Bozzi partner: Van Eyck Academie, Stimulerings Fonds location: Maastricht, Netherlands year: 2017

During the Open Studios at the Jan Van Eyck Academie in Maastricht, it is installed a mock-up of a bed-device, derived from a reflection on the bed as a place of many rituals. It is an oversized day-blanket crowned by a baldaquin; an open, sensorial platform for socializing; a concise, portable and foldable architecture; a multi-purpose unit. Different materials, forms and thicknesses shape the ground for planned and unforeseen spatial practices and interactions between production and leisure, expanding the two- dimensional textile object into a three dimensional site of action, a microcosmos of activities. For the installation, some household appliances are re- framed and abstracted as part of the landscape, three performing stones that contribute to the fourth dimension of the installation: one emitting a soothing soundtrack, one vaporizing a relaxing herbal scent, another holding boiling water used for the tea cerimony. It was installed at Berlage Instituut at TuDelft during a symposium on ‘The Bed in the Age of Social Media’, a masterclass lead by Beatrix Colomina.